Sunday, November 19, 2006

Episode 18: Big Foamy Homebrew

Gonso's back, and we make him pay for it - dearly. Rick from Big Foamy Head treats us to 2 of his home brews - a Hazelnut Porter and a Rauchber, along with a fantastic bomber of Imperial Gaelic Ale from Highland Brewing

Rick also sends us 3 tremendous rubs from the Memphis area, that we rub on some pork chops and grill to perfection. In addition, we're treated to 2 great home brew offerings from the boys at spAce Brewing.

Life is very good.


• Gonso explains his absence
• Clarke gets serious (for a minute)
• Homebrews from Rick from Big Foamy Head
• BBQ from 'The Hood'
• Daniel Craig is the right choice for James Bond
• Theaters suck
• spAce Brews
• Tipping The Velvet - the new Brokeback Mountain
• Angelina Jolie and Star Jones have lost far too much weight
• Memphis Rub Taste-off
• Stone Bistro & Gardens

Download Episode 18 here.